Helping Educational Leaders Engage, Collaborate, and Grow Strong Teams and Programs…
The Ascend Learning Experience (LX) Platform empowers education agencies, professional development teams, and digital curriculum initiatives to connect educators with resources, learning opportunities, curricular materials, and one another in a fully collaborative environment.
Traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS) fall short of providing educators a comprehensive, collaborative Learning Experience beyond basic course taking. The AscendLX Platform brings together a full suite of advanced LMS tools then extends them into integrated group/cohort tools, resource sharing and tracking tools, and targeted communication tools threading together team and individual exchanges around continue growth, development, and collaboration.
Create a free account NOW to see all of the AscendLX innovative approaches to digital coursework design and distribution, community group tools, resource sharing and tracking, and related management and reporting features we’ve developed with a number of state education agencies, national PD projects, and top learning resource providers, then Contact Us to let us know how we can help optimize your programs.

Optimizing Education
Leadership Efforts
Developing and Disseminating
Digital Resource Repositories
Creating Robust
Communities of Practice Networks
The AT&T Foundation and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, invested in building this one-of-a-kind, web-based community of practice where educators can engage and share their learning resources and best practices with one another. No other state has as comprehensive a platform to respond in real-time to all of these needs and to ensure thatall of their districts, all of their schools, and every educator has equitable access to a high-quality digital environment with a comprehensive and growing collection of diverse, open digital resources and to one another for collaborative sharing without ongoing costs to local agencies.

Distribute & Manage Resources with a Robust Repository
Launch & Engage Diverse Communities of Practice
Design & Implement Scalable PD Programs
Access Quality Learning Resources